Dave Hoch
Dave Hoch has grown up in the Boys & Girls Clubs. He attended the Town Boys Club as a youth. Then was a part-time staff member for two years at the Bailey Club – with an internship program through Buffalo State College. Dave’s passion always remained with the Boys & Girls Club. He became Director of the Depew Club in 1976, remaining in that role until 1996 when he became the Executive Director of Depew- Lancaster. He remains in this role presently for a total of 45 years. Dave’s impact on the many children who have passed through the Club doors during his tenure is countless.
“I personally grew up at the town boys club as an at- risk child, but I was fortunate to have been surrounded by many positive role models. When I graduated from college, I wanted to give back and guide many kids the way I received the help I needed growing up”.-Dave